An old fashioned typed up post Hmmm Maybe I should change the title into: a picture of an old fashioned typed up post. And now I wonder how many words you can fit in this title space, and will keep on typing until something says PING. Oh no wait that doesn’t happen on a computer. So what if there’s is no end to this space and I end up typing forever. AHHHH I’m going to stop. Now. Did you know someone tried to figure out how many rows you can add in an excel sheet and that it takes about a day (I forgot the exact numbers). Now I am really going to stop. For real. Stop Irene. Step away from the keys.

typewriterwith tibbe

4 thoughts on “An old fashioned typed up post Hmmm Maybe I should change the title into: a picture of an old fashioned typed up post. And now I wonder how many words you can fit in this title space, and will keep on typing until something says PING. Oh no wait that doesn’t happen on a computer. So what if there’s is no end to this space and I end up typing forever. AHHHH I’m going to stop. Now. Did you know someone tried to figure out how many rows you can add in an excel sheet and that it takes about a day (I forgot the exact numbers). Now I am really going to stop. For real. Stop Irene. Step away from the keys.

  1. I looked at those giant words and for a moment I was positive you were my aunt. All you need is one giant sentence, minus periods or commas and it’s her in the flesh.

    Sadly, she talks that way too. Getting a headache. Need to stop. Where’s the coffee????


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